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Wednesday, March 23


Dad's angiogram test results weren't really that favorable. He will need to undergo a triple bypass surgery. I am not really a medical expert on this but for the sake of those who have no idea what a triple bypass surgery is, I will try to explain it to the best I can. I did a little research on this to make sure I get it correctly. Here's what I found -

It is called "bypass" because the surgery is done to bypass arteries that have been too clogged by plaque to allow blood and oxygen to flow freely in or out of the heart. Plaque is a combination of cholesterol, fat and other substances. When arteries become clogged by plaque, chest pain sometimes results. If the flow of blood is substantially slowed or stopped, one can suffer a heart attack. Thus, the purpose of a bypass surgery is to devise another route and increase the flow of blood and oxygen to the heart.

In a triple bypass surgery, three arteries are clogged and causing coronary symptoms, so a heart surgeon has to graft three undamaged arteries from another part of the body for the heart to receive sufficient blood and oxygen. Such is the case of my dad. To learn more about triple bypass surgery, click here.

The doctors were astonished by dad’s endurance. They explained that in most cases, people with heart conditions as my dad suffer a serious heart attack that could cause paralysis. God is good. Dad didn’t have to go through that.

In a way, we look at the situation as a blessing in disguise. Maybe, it was meant to happen in the US so dad could get the best treatment. We hear many stories of people actually going to the US for medical treatment because of its advance technology. The surgery can be frightening and I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel any fear at all. But this is what’s best for dad and as I keep on saying, I can only hope for the best.

Everyday, I can’t help but be amazed by God’s healing presence. Indeed, God works in mysterious ways. Yesterday, for some reason, I retrieved an old book from my shelf. The book is entitled “Little Book of Miracles & Answered Prayers”. My daughter saw it and began reading the stories. I was taken aback when my daughter exclaimed in delight, “Mom look, there’s a story about Padre Pio!”. I had mentioned in my previous blog that apart from St. Jude, Padre Pio is one of my favorite Patron Saints. But I want to know him better and that "little" book of miracles is the answer. It has actually been with me all this time!

And today, I believe God led me to St. Jude shrine again. This was after I attended the funeral of the son of my colleague, which happened to be in the same area. Too much of a coincidence? I don’t think so. I strongly believe these are tangible signs from God that his hands are working for me and he is trying to make me feel it through St. Pio and St. Jude. See, miracles do happen!

There is no confirmed schedule yet for dad’s surgery but, on that day, and by God’s mercy and grace, I know that everything will be fine. ♥♥♥

Can you relate to this? Do you believe in miracles? What are the miracles in your life?

Monday, March 21

What love and prayers can do...

It wasn’t the usual weekend for us. Dad was rushed to the hospital due to heart attack. He’s now confined at the hospital’s Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and is set to undergo a series of medical tests. I was devastated. I’ve been really sad since then. It just breaks my heart to know dad’s condition. It had to happen in the US where dad and mom are supposed to be enjoying their much deserved vacation. Sadly, what should have been a happy reunion with their eldest daughter (my sister) turns out to be a poignant experience for the three of them.

It was Sunday morning here. I just came from Sunday mass when my brother relayed to me what my sister told him about mom. That mom barely slept the night they brought dad to the hospital on Friday night there and oftentimes, she would break down and cry. I felt like I was hit in the chest with a stick. My heart sank for mom. She wasn’t allowed to stay beside dad. Actually, no one was allowed to stay. I know it was hard for mom to leave dad alone in the hospital.

Amidst all this uncertainty, we have no one to turn to but God. I never stop praying. When I went to church last Sunday, I couldn’t help but cry. I just couldn’t hold back my tears. My heart goes out to mom and dad. I miss them now more than ever. I wish I could fly to Los Angeles right away. Something is telling me that I have to be strong but my heart is filled with deep sorrow, unspeakable sorrow because of dad’s condition. Oh yes, I am my father’s daughter.

In spite of everything, I never lose faith in God. And as always, I ask for the miraculous intercessions of Mama Mary, St. Jude and St. Pio. God has been good. He uses creative and unique ways to show his infinite love for us. Barely a day after I posted dad’s condition on Facebook, I’ve been swamped with love and support from everyone either through private messages, wall posts, sms, and even personal calls offering their sincere prayers for dad. God never fails to amaze me with His divine powers. Our family is blessed with kindhearted and beautiful people around. I am so grateful.

This morning, my sister sent me latest pictures of dad that I would like to share with you. It is encouraging to know that his condition now is far better than the first time he was brought to the hospital. Though he seems to have lost some weight, that's okay. There's just so much to be thankful for. Dad is safe and that’s enough to calm me down.

Today, dad is scheduled to undergo an angiogram. It’s supposed to examine his heart’s condition to determine what procedure, if any, is necessary for him. I can only hope for the best. The collective prayers of everyone give me enough strength and confidence that everything will be fine... just perfectly fine. I can never be more grateful for the abundant love and support being showered upon our family. I will make sure to keep everyone posted on dad’s condition through this blog.

In the meantime and as promised, below are some pictures of dad taken inside his ICU room. By the way, sorry if the pictures are kind of blurry. These were just taken using a mobile phone camera. Here you go -

Dad with Mom

Some of you may be going through the same situation right now. Hold on to your faith. God works in mysterious ways and oftentimes, in the most unexpected moments, HE surprises us with wonderful miracles. ♥♥♥

Sunday, March 20

On heartache/trials, forgiveness, and moving on…

My Thursday last week was kind of roller coaster emotions for me. Oh, I definitely loved my morning. It was a time well-spent with my Patron Saint. The early afternoon until early evening wasn’t a good time though. I wish I could share with you what I am going through; however, for the protection of some people most especially, my kids, I have to keep the details to myself.

One thing is sure, it has to end. It’s been causing me heartache and unnecessarily anxiety. A dear friend told me I could always choose what to do or what to feel about the situation and I couldn’t agree more. But how do you do it when the party involved continues in all his power to cause you pain? That no matter how hard you try, you just can’t help but be affected simply, because you are human with fragile emotions and human frailties.

I am not playing the good guy here. I know I’ve my share of shortcomings but I’ve acknowledged it and forgiven myself as I've forgiven him. I hope and pray that he finds in his heart to do the same. Yes, in God’s perfect time.

Don’t get me wrong. Despite this trial, I feel happy and blessed. There are just so many things to be thankful for. I can’t even begin to count them. This stage of my life is just another test and like many other tests that I had in the past, I am confident I can pass this test with flying colors! ♥♥♥

Are you going through some heartache now? How do you cope with it?

My miraculous intercessors...

Last Thursday, 17 March, I had the chance to visit one of my favorite shrines again, the National Shrine of Saint Jude Thaddeus in San Miguel, Manila. Although I consider St. Jude Thaddeus as one of my favorite Patron Saints, I’ve never really been a devout follower. Unlike others who never fail to go there for the weekly novena on Thursdays, my visit to St. Jude shrine has always been by chance. There was one visit though that I did on purpose and that was when my relationship with St. Jude began. I was desperate about something so I went and called on him. He did not fail me. I got my wish.

The second time I called on him was for a fervent wish that I thought would have a slim chance to attain. As maybe most of you are aware of, St. Jude has been known as the patron of hopeless cases, of things almost despaired of. I never really had the chance to visit the shrine that time but I called on him. And again, I got what I prayed for. That was one of the happiest days of my life! My happiness was beyond words. It was just amazing. I will not go into details about this wish but it was a wish not for myself but for my parents. What I initially thought was impossible was actually possible and just within my reach. Truly with God, nothing is impossible. I thank St. Jude for his miraculous intercession.

Today, I always call on St. Jude and talk to him informally through my prayers. I may not be a regular visitor of his shrine in Manila but like God, he is always present in my heart. I must admit though that a personal visit to the shrine always comes with a good and a refreshing feeling. My visit last Thursday was no different. For some reason, I felt a deep sense of calmness and peacefulness inside the shrine. I so love the floating candles where one can offer his/her petitions. I lighted two candles and I don’t know how and why but I felt a strong sense of assurance… yeah, a strong sense of divine providence.

Anyway, that Thursday was another shopping spree for me only, it wasn’t about shopping for fashion or material things. I shopped for anything that’s St. Jude. I got a new St. Jude novena booklet, a St. Jude mug, a laminated picture of St. Jude, and a bible. I wanted to get more like key chains, rosaries, etc. but I was running out of cash. I’m planning to buy another mug and bible so I have for both work and home. I‘m not promising anything but I’ll make time to visit the shrine more often.

There you go. Next stop? St. Pio Chapel in Libis. I’ve never been there but I hear a lot of beautiful stories about the chapel. Like St. Jude and of course, Mama Mary (yes, I'm also a Marian devotee), St. Pio has never failed me. ♥♥♥

How about you? Who are your favorite Patron Saints and how are your experiences with them?

On writing, blogging, and sharing...

I’ve always wanted to write. In fact, essay writing was my favorite type of exam back in school. And yes, I actually won a writing contest on my first attempt at writing, which was published in one of the major broadsheets in the country. For some reason though, I couldn’t sustain my strong desire to write publicly. I have my excuse. I’ve been extremely busy juggling work and family all by myself. Oh, the life of a single parent. But don’t get me wrong, I am incredibly happy with my life. I can’t complain.

Anyway, I thought I could write about anything (and publish it) except, about myself or my life. I’ve always been a private person. In fact, I never joined any online social networking until late 2008. Since then though, I’ve always been active updating my status; posting comments; and of course, uploading beautiful photos on my page for the world to see.

What brought the change? I don’t know. Maybe, because I want to keep up with the Gen Y Era where my kids belong? I’m interested to know what the kids of today especially, my kids are talking about. I want to make sure there exist no generation gap between me and the kids and that we can talk the same language and enjoy our conversations (believe me, it is possible). Well, I actually feel I belong in the same generation, i.e., the Gen Y Era… haha! Hey, age is just a number. I have never felt so young and beautiful! Haha… bear with me!

Now, I feel this insatiable desire to write and enter the world of blogging. I have so many things in mind. I actually keep a personal journal to record important events in my life, e.g., milestones, breakthroughs, etc. I particularly like to write about my kids. And not only that, I make sure I take photos not only of important events but of everyday activities. I haven’t told you, I am also a photo enthusiast. I enjoy taking pictures of practically anything and of myself… lol… love myself!

There you go. Let me start sharing my personal journal with you and yes, let this serve as my very first official online write-up. Till next time! ♥♥♥